October 2008

Happy Halloween!!, originally uploaded by hockamama.

I’M IN LOVE!!!, originally uploaded by hockamama.

mid-october, I hit a deer coming home from the grocery store, less than a quarter mile from home. it was dark, and when I saw him, I veered left of center, but he came out into the road and hit my front passenger fender. it cracked the fiberglass front in several places, ripped off the flare on the fender and left many dents. but worst of all, the deer was dead. I sat and bawled for what seemed like forever before I called for help.

I couldn’t reach rich, so my daddy and brother came to help. daddy informed me that I hit an 8 point buck. woo hoo. the thought of killing that animal made me so sad.

so, stella, my jeep needed to go to the shop for repairs. the good news is that she would finally be rid of that spot where jessica drove up under the farm truck…the one I had been putting off getting fixed because it was gonna cost me $200. the bad news is that now it would cost $500 for my deductible. oh, well. when I picked her up yesterday, she looked so beautiful, they had given her a bath and vacuumed the inside.

but, in the meantime, this beauty above is what I was loaned to drive. OMG, that was the coolest car I’ve ever driven! (can you say sheltered? or poor? maybe both) it was so much fun, too much probably. before I realized it, I caught myself going 85 a couple of times. I think I could probably get into some serious trouble if I had one of my own! plus, it almost didn’t fit in the garage; it had about 8 inches to spare in the back and about 6 in the front. but it sure was fun while it lasted.

now stella is back home where she belongs, queen of the garage, keeper of the midgets. I don’t want to make her jealous, but someday, when she’s gone, I just may cut my eyes in the direction of a magnum….

talking to the birdies, originally uploaded by hockamama.

this is her favorite spot to sit and chatter to the birdies. by the time she’s finished, the handsoap is in the sink, and many times the plant and tart burner are, as well. she’s such a pest, but man, oh man, does she give good snuggle!

here at casa de hockett, we have our very own super hero: winkie boy! he has graduated from an orange T on his shirt, a cape and swim goggles, to spiderman underwear on his head. he is very concerned with keeping his identity secret ~hence the underoos~ yet his insistence upon calling me mama leads me to believe that he is none other than my own dear charles. alas, I reckon super tony is no more 😦

’nuff said

WTF?  the terrible twos are supposed to hit at 2, right?  we’ll we’re starting to see them a little early, I believe.  I have got a biter on my hands, friends.  yesterday, I took maddie to cheerleading practice, and tony walked emma around for awhile.  when he tired of that and went to hang out with some friends, I made her sit with me.  OMG, what a struggle!

she started with the ‘mimi’ (excuse me), when that didn’t make me turn her loose (it was kinda cute and funny, so I may have laughed at her, which I’m sure did not help the situation), she pinched me.  when that failed to earn her release, she took a nibble of my hand.  I flicked her cheek and told her no.  that set her off all over again.  when she finished crying, she appeared to be tired out, (never ever fall for the ‘tired toddler’ act!) and just fell against me for several minutes.

when she felt my grip relax just enough, she made a break for it.  ugh….

this morning I was told that she bit maddie hard enough to draw blood.  she spent a few minutes in her time out chair, screaming her little lungs out.  thank god she goes home every day.  jeez, I love that little heathen.

on a side note, my better half is in ohio until monday.  this week is his birthday and the anniversary of his daddy’s passing, so he spends it with his guys.  I always miss him more than I think I will.  someday, I’ll be prepared for the depth of my despair.  (do I sound suitably miserable?  good)  I do miss him, though.  alot.

and, and and and… my cousin had her grandbaby this morning.  well, her daughter had the baby, but that’s beside the point.  my 41 year old cousin, who swears she can’t possibly be a grandma because she has a 3 year old son, is indeed a grandma.  her daughter (who is 17 and a senior this year, with a tough road ahead of her now) had gestational diabetes, and some complications near the end, so they did an emergency c section.  but baby and mama are fine and carson weighed in at 6 lb, 15 oz and 20″ .

and, lastly, I am addicted to tony’s new wii game he got for his birthday, (I can’t believe that my baby is 11 already).  it’s called deblob, and it’s soo much fun.  you play a paint blob who’s been charged with restoring color to the town and overthrowing the inkies.  I’m gonna go play right now!