September 2006

sick boy and his kitten, originally uploaded by hockamama.

feel the love (I just wish I could post the purr that’s goin on here)…he’s bored with sitting around all day. who knew you could actually get bored playing video games…ALL DAY!! He wants so bad to play outside, but it’s so damp and chilly. The breathing treatments don’t seem to help for a full 4 hours, I’m thinking of moving them back to every 3 hours.

cuppycake napping, originally uploaded by hockamama.

how sad is it that I sat on my knees the other night to use the computer, so as not to disturb her? Am I whipped?

It’s 5:45 a.m. and we’ve just returned from the emergency room. Tony’s asthma is bothering him, making it difficult for him to breathe. He started with a cold on Wednesday, which led into a barking cough and sore throat.

In the hopes of heading this junk off at the pass, I gave him a breathing treatment about an hour before bed. When I got up around 1:30 for a potty/drink visit, he was in the living room with Jessica, watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate.

She said he was coughing and was upset, so she brought him down with her. (why was she still up, when she has classes this morning?) I gave him 2 more treatments in half an hour, and had decided to take him to the ER, when Rich got home around 2:00.

So, we all took a family trip to the hospital. We were there about 2 1/2 hours. We got new medicine, more scripts, and another breathing treatment. Not the most ideal way to spend one’s birthday evening…of course, it was all worth it to Tony just to get out of going to school.

He’ll be home all day, watching television and playing video games. But he’ll be feeling better.

jess & tony on his birthday, originally uploaded by hockamama.

today is his 9th birthday. where has the time gone; and why, oh why has it gone by so quickly?

computer games, originally uploaded by hockamama.

hurry, here she comes! I told you she wouldn’t let us post on her blog!

purring in the fabric, originally uploaded by hockamama.

so, I was ironing the seams on a pocketbook the other day, and I kept hearing this whirring noise. I thought for an instant that it was the iron making the noise, but no. I looked around, but didn’t see anything, so I started listening closer, trying to find the origin. What should I find, buried, but Ringo Starr, surrounded by fabric. That’s the first time that I know of any of them even being in my workroom, so I never even considered the noise to be cat oriented. He was very contented, and slept in there for a couple of hours.

rasslin’, originally uploaded by hockamama.

Look what I happened upon yesterday. The Incredible Hulk wasn’t living up to his name. These two brats just took him down! Rich would stand him up, and they would pounce on him, over and over. It was endless fun, then suddenly, the interest was gone…

singin in the rain, originally uploaded by hockamama.

yesterday, Rich and I were sitting on the porch, watching the train and the rain. Then, from the garage appeared two little rats with umbrellas. Almost as soon as they stepped outside, it stopped raining. So, they just played around in the yard a little bit, then it suddenly started pouring again. I loaded a great video of them playing in the rain onto youtube, but I can’t figure out how to link to it.

making friends, originally uploaded by hockamama.

the other day, my bff’s daughter and grandson came over. Lucas (on the left) turned a year old in June. We took him to see the neighbor’s grandson, Bryson, who turned a year old in August. They were so sweet, just chatting about all manner of baby interests. At one point, they had a duel with flyswatters. We didn’t let it go on long, though, lest someone get smacked in the face.

My brother sent me an email with a couple of pictures in it, including this one. It spoke volumes to me. I hate the thought of war, wish that we weren’t in it, but I cannot even begin to imagine the pain of saying goodbye like this.


Todd Heisler The Rocky Mountain News
The night before the burial of her husband’s body, Katherine Cathey refused to leave the casket, asking to sleep next to his body for the last time. The Marines made a bed for her, tucking in the sheets below the flag. Before she fell asleep, she opened her laptop computer and played songs that reminded her of ‘Cat,’ and one of the Marines asked if she wanted them to continue standing watch as she slept. “I think it would be kind of nice if you kept doing it,” she said. “I think that’s what he would have wanted.”

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