last night, I was struck by just how blessed I am. madison wanted to stay and eat supper with us; I told her that we eat alot later than what she’s used to. mama has supper ready by 5:30; we eat around 7, when rich gets home. tony always eats a little mini-meal of snacks when he gets home from school at 3, because he eats lunch at school at 10:45 so he’s ready for supper when he gets home.

last night I fixed salmon patties, which everyone here loves. madison and clem were both here, so it was a big family meal. since it was so late, madison had to get home as soon as she finished eating, so she could get ready for bed.

usually when I take her home, I just wait until she gets in the door and then I turn around and go home. last night, I walked her in so I could carry the mail. when I went in, the baby was awake, so I took her from mandi and snuggled and kissed her for a little bit.

when I left, I noticed how clear the sky was, and how warm it was. that’s when I felt blessed. a beautiful night, a baby’s love, and my family at the end of my driveway.

who could ask for more?